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Daily Twitter Terror

  • 02:02 New blog post: Daily Twitter Terror: 02:58 New blog post: Daily Twitter Terror: 03:02 New blog pos.. tinyurl.com/azm4ge
  • 11:58 Jesse Malin's cover album thing is supposed to be a joke, right? Right!?
  • 12:01 New blog post: Music Monday 03: Technorati-Tags: music monday,music,the gun club tinyurl.com/dxawdg
  • 12:19 Working thorugh a bunch of music a friend sent me. Good Lord, I think he hates me.
  • 12:24 Can't stop following this minor Flame War www.librarything.com/topic/56265The excerpts are hideous.
  • 12:24 Bah, wrong link www.librarything.com/topic/56265
  • 14:08 I cry tinyurl.com/buqcu7
  • 14:33 My kingdom for an Ash Tree Press book I can actually afford.
  • 14:59 Another pet peeve: People calling things "broken" when meaning "not to my taste"
  • 17:51 The Doctor Drinketh tinyurl.com/5eqvdq
  • 19:14 Fucking inspiring tinyurl.com/cpfgfy
  • 19:32 So, the Kindle 2's going to cost as much as 51 mass market paperbacks? Genius!
  • 19:39 Dear Mr Lee of the New York Times,if you think the action in Chocolate is describable as "unexceptional brawls", you probably need new eyes.
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